Patriot Coolers Blog
The quality of living around the globe has, generally, continued to improve throughout history with technological advancements and furthered collaboration globally. This has come with many benefits like a higher standard of living and more amenities available. But these advancements...
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There are many different ways to meet your calorie needs and nutritional needs while you are out camping in the natural world. Most people pack their grocery store-bought food in a hard-sided cooler to cook on a campfire or a...
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Exploring the country and driving around the natural sights and wonders can give you an appreciation for nature that few other experiences can offer. One of the best ways to experience camping around the country is with an RV or...
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Nothing can beat a beautiful day out on the water fishing. If you’re someone who loves fishing, you know how restorative an afternoon on the water can be for your mind, body, and spirit. But if you have ever been...
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Every year, when spring is in full swing and summer is right around the corner, festival season comes sweeping across the country. Festivals showcase some of the best music across dozens of stages in one weekend. Ever since Woodstock made...
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